Architectural projects carried out as part of "Bachelor of Architecture" program in Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

Cyber-Physical Emigration
ARC 540C| MS.Arch | December 2022

Synergetic Pellicle
Studio 601| MS.Arch | December 2022

Studio X | B.Arch | September 2018

Studio IX | B.Arch | January 2018

Studio II | B.Arch | January 2014

Studio V | B.Arch | March 2016

Life Line
Studio VII | B.Arch | January 2017

Integrated Priority
GIS LAR 570| MS.Arch | October 2023


Submission and awarded projects for National and Worldwide architectural competitions.

The Home Kit
Modular growth household in dense city
UNI NANO Nest Competition, January 2020

Earth, Water, Wind & Fire

Green Corporate Headquarter for IDCOL
IAB National Competition 2018 \ Team SAA

Vertical Village

Affordable ousing for Low-income people
IAB-Build Bangladesh National Competition 2019/ Team SAA

Heyday Gangplank

Submission for Hyperloop desert campus competition by Y.A.C, September 2020

Professional work

Graduate research projects involved as a "Graduate Research Assistant" in the Drachman Institute, CAPLA, University of Arizona

Conclave Medows
Community Park & Sports Facility
Narayangonj, Bangladesh

HSL Renovation
User-Centric Renovation of Arizona Health Science Library. Tucson, Arizona, USA

Robot centric reuse of Mesquite sawdust


An architect must keep on thinking in his journey to new ideas. All the quiet hours, discussion sessions and study hours does not lead to projects. But I like to write them down or make a random illustration on them anyway. Here are some of my analytical thought bubbles.

Unfurling HD
An evolutionary timeline for the development of human dimensions.

"Humanified" Survival

Is small-scale architecture the ultimate secret to humanity's survival?

Parekh House
Weather Analysis of Charles Correa's work

Farmgate 2016
Environmental Study of Farmgate area to decide MRT Station placement


Outside Architecture, I have been professionally affiliated with graphic visualization. Having the opportunity to work for top tier clients in the country as digital illustrator & Advertisement visualizer has played positive role in my creative journey. As I travel I have grown affinity to capture moments with my phone or camera as well. I enjoy taking photos as memory fragments to remind me about the stories of my travel adventures.


Graphic Design, Illustrations & Motion Graphics


Travel & Street Photography